Kevin brings a proven track record of helping both buyers and sellers in the Okanagan area. He brings extensive marketing knowledge to help you get the maximum price for your home. Using a professional realtor like Kevin will take the stress out of buying and selling a property. 2% Realty is one of the fastest-growing brokerages in Canada. And with sales stats that are well above most other brokerages-it’s no surprise! Our proven strategies show that you can expect full-service realty without ever over-paying! Read more..
I would mention Kevin by name to anyone that is looking to sell their house for the professionalism he leads with and the confidence he builds up to make the sale complete
- Paul, West Kelowna (Seller)
Mr Kevin Chepil was fantastic; definitely management material.
This gentleman has a positive professional attitude. He was knowledgeable & very patient with us. He was prompt in returning our phone calls & text messages regardless of the day &; time . I truly recommend Mr. Kevin Chepil.
- Karen Kemppi & Jim Schram (Seller)
Kevin Chepil was friendly, knowledgeable, professional and took the time to answer all of my many questions. He was polite and respectful and was quick to provide thorough answers. I really appreciate his hard work. He was straightforward and articulated and extreme easy to work with. He remained accessible to us through the sale of our house and secured an accepted offer at full asking price in 7 days. He was such a pleasure to work with.
- Alana Bucci (Seller)
Nothing more I could ask for in a realtor. Kevin excelled in all stages of the sale.
Was awesome to work with, understood the uniqueness of the property, and was upfront and made it happen!
Residential Real Estate Market Showing Strong Start to the Year
KELOWNA, B.C. – March 2nd, 2022. Residential real estate demand across the Association region remains strong heading into the seasonally busy spring months despite a persistent lack of inventory in the region and throughout the province, reports the Association of Interior REALTORS®.
KELOWNA, B.C. – February 2nd, 2022. Real estate professionals continue to support buyers and sellers in navigating lack of inventory in residential real estate markets across the region from Revelstoke to Eastgate Manning Park and into the South Peace River region, reports the Association of Interior REALTORS®.
2021 ends as it began in the Okanaganʾs residential real estate market (from Revelstoke south to the USborder, east to Rock Creek and west to Eastgate Manning Park), with record shattering sales, a rapidly declining inventory, and a lingering pandemic. The Association of Interior REALTORS® delivered its best year on record with 14,010 residential s...